


Responsible for kneading and homogenizing the product, Fast mixers are polished to facilitate cleaning, have LED lights, horizontal axis cameras and automatic temperature control, preventing changes in the properties of the oil. This equipment allows for the best separation performance.


  • Fast has Finame for all equipment used in extraction;
  • • 2-year warranty against manufacturing defects or faults;
  • National 100% production equipment;
  • Qualified technical staff, composed of mechanical, chemical, food, automation and electrical, environmental engineers, among others, for all necessary support;
  • Technical support for the civil engineer to develop the plan (civil works) within the standards established by the current bodies.


  • We have plants operating in Brazil that provide sansa (solid residues) with 0% of olive oil at the decanter outlet and polished olive oil with 0% of impurities (analyzed by bench centrifuge).
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Thank you for contacting us through our website. Our business hours are Monday through Friday, 8am to 6pm. Please describe your needs so that we can assist you as quickly as possible.