
Surface Aerator

THE surface aerator ASF Fast was developed to be installed in tanks and lagoons with the purpose of accelerating the natural process of oxygen supply, providing favorable conditions for the growth of microorganisms and keeping solids in suspension, avoiding decantation and the accumulation of solids at the bottom of the installed location.
The propeller, when rotating at high speed, generates a negative pressure that takes air into the effluent liquid, promoting a higher rate of oxygen transfer. This is essential for the survival of aerobic microorganisms, which are responsible for the degradation of organic compounds present in the effluent. In addition, the propeller helps in homogenizing the effluent, promoting suspension of sludge in the treatment to avoid sedimentation of solids.


Technical description

  • Agitator and float made of stainless steel or polypropylene, increasing the useful life of the equipment and preventing the appearance of contamination or oxidation points;
  • Naval type fast mixing propeller;
  • Downward flow;
  • Angle adjustment as needed;
  • Electric motor located above the water surface, without exposure to splashes;
  • Power density used for complete mixing: 25 to 45 W/m³;
  • Oxygen transfer: 1.2 kg O2/kWh at room temperature and at sea level (STP).

Segments and application 

Water Treatment Plant (ETA), Sewage Treatment Plant (ETE), Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant (ETE), cold storage, paper and cellulose, dairy products, beverages, food, tanning, textiles, rendering, among others.

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